I attended 12th Night in Cynnabar this past weekend and had a wonderful time. My wife and kids attended also and had a nice time. Alex, who is not very excited going to most SCA events, said “it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be”, on the trip home. It was good to be able to touch base with people and catch up a little.
Drogo and Kayla were very gracious and allowed us to set up our stuff at their day camp in the gym (which reminds me I have to find our chair covers or make more). Stormvaler’s in attendance were Drogo, Kayla and son. My family Giovanna, Saiyuke, Bjarky and myself. Gerard, Breanna, Laura and friend, Ervon, Eron and Teryll. I did not get a chance to speak with Teryll but did get to spend time with everyone else.
With Lady Jaelith’s help I was able to convene a meeting for the Seneschal’s of Pentamere. It was sparsely attended (in fact I had more Seneschal’s show up after the meeting had ended than during). I did get the opportunity to meet Duchess Eanor and Lady Jaelith and have them explain the ins and outs of the job. I should have a good footing for this job going forward.
After theSeneschal’s discussion broke up, I headed over to the Heralds meeting. Back in the day (the mid 90’s) I did the internal submissions for the Kingdom and did some commenting for the Middle Kingdom College of Heralds. I would like to get back into doing more Heraldry so was looking for information on how the commenting process currently worked and how to get back into it. I was advised to sign up on the Middle Kingdom Heralds e-mail list and so I have done so!!
The afternoon was spent in shopping and hanging out at the Stormvale camp. Later in the day Drogo (who was arranging the guards for the royalty room) needed a guard and I thought it would be great for Bjarky (Alex) to stand a watch. Since he is only 13 and wouldn’t know what was expected I decided to stand the watch with him. Drogo promptly stranded us for 2 and half hours : ) Needing to get dinner we snagged Ervon, Gerard and Saiyuke to relieve us from guard duty so we could grab something to eat.
I ended up running out and picking up food for most of Stormvale and due to a wrong turn ended up getting back with barely any time to eat before Court would start, so many of us ended up sneaking into Court after it had started. After Court was over it was time to make our goodbyes and head home.