Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Guild Night Tuesday

Last night the Artisans Guild met to determine the coming Spring Schedule of classes. Many good suggestions and ideas for classes were discussed and Teryll will put together the list with dates and publish them soon.

If I understood the gist correctly, every Tuesday night will include guild activities. One week will be all guild activity perhaps with a class. The next week will be youth combat with guild work after the fighting has ended. This way if projects are not completed or fall behind, people will have time to work on them.

After that a more general meeting broke out about what the Shire should do about the webpage and a few other issues for the next couple weeks. It was decided to talk about this again during the meeting at the revel later this month.

It was noted that this would be the Guilds first anniversary and that it had had a pretty good first year all things considered. Everyone is looking forward to an even better second year!!!

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