Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tuesday Night Artisans Guild

I think we had about 15 people total attending the Guild last night. This week was working in clay and Lady Teryll supplied many pounds of the material. There was no class project, so each person worked on whatever struck their fancy. I saw some very nice items being created and will try to get pictures when completed. The projects will have to dry and then Teryll can fire them in the kiln. As she can only do a couple at a time it will take several weeks before they have all been finished. I was anti social last night as I did not join in on the clay making, instead I took the time to finish one of the shields I had promised as Ryan would like to use it in Boffer fighting at the Coronation Saturday. I figure that I am about 2 weeks behind on the projects I had promised people and needed to finish a couple of the 15 shields.

I was in a hurry and used zip ties to hold the edge on the shield. After looking at the completed shield, I should have laced it instead. I will end up doing this on the rest of them and will need to redo this one. Perhaps I can do it at next weeks practice or at a populous meeting.

Near the end of the evening the question came up about what should be done about continuing the Guild through the summer. Several regular attendees have conflicting schedules as other summer activities like baseball practice etc. have begun. No definite conclusion was reached although it sounds like people are leaning towards a general suspension for most of the summer. Teryll is happy to have people come over to work on existing or begin new projects but she is not sure how well a structured meeting will work over the summer with busier schedules and a heavier SCA calendar. If I understand correctly the matter will be discussed again at the next Guild meeting and again at the next Business meeting to reach a conclusion.

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