Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Equipment Update

Since I am attending events with more frequency these days, I have tried to pay attention to the changes in armor and weapons that have happened over the last couple years. Comparing my now several years old fighting kit to the current standard, I find that most of my armor is acceptable but that I do need to make some adjustments. So I have added several projects to my list, both to update my kit and also add some elements of fashion that I had frankly never bothered with.

For example: Back in the day, a shield had to have an edge wide enough to prevent them from being inserted into the bars of a helmet. That is now a thing of the past, a shield edge now needs only to protect your opponents sword from undo damage and to do the same for your shield. I knew that but still built massive shield edges out of habit and because that was the material that I had at hand. So the last couple events I felt like I was wearing the big hair and shoulder pads of the eighties when compared to other equipment being used.

So to start with, in the last six weeks, I have reworked all my swords to be the minimum diameter and as light and fast as possible. The shield I had recently painted and rebuilt needed a smaller sleeker edge and that has now been done as well. I now have to paint this new edge to match the design on the shield.

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