Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fearann na Criche Meeting

Sunday March 30, 2008

I attended a Meeting, Fighting Practice and Potluck at Fearann na Criche today. I did not have time to stay for the food but I enjoyed the Meeting and Fighting Practice.

It began around Noon but I did not arrive until nearly 2pm. At that time the Meeting was taking place and included a discussion on upcoming locations for demo’s or fighting practices. As the meeting was wrapping up we adjourned to the yard and started a Fighting Practice. During the practice I had the good fortune of fighting Morgan and Jeff and a new person (who’s name escapes me) who was in armor for the first time. I thought everyone did very well and I lasted somewhat longer than I had Wednesday at Northwoods. As I had to leave at 5pm for a previous engagement they pulled out Fencing Gear and it looked like several members were going to take part in the Fencing.

The only problem was that I broke the aluminum cross guard on my sword. So I have some repair work to perform on my kit now!!!

I would like to thank John St. John and Emma for opening their home for the activities.

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