Monday, April 7, 2008

Clancy Day: Clancy goes to Japan

It was a wonderful event!!! The weather was perfect for an early April day. It must have been 65 degrees and was sunny. My wife Giovanna and daughter Saiyuke attended the event with me. Bjarky decided to stay home and go to a friends house instead of the event.
Since it is my goal to become of Marshal of the Field I thought I would spent the day marshalling and get my first signature for helping at an event. The Marshal in Charge of the event, Brutus had me look over some of the armor inspections, watch and comment on 3 new fighter authorizations and help out during the Bear Pit Tourney. I started out teamed up with Sir Ragnar from Starleaf Gate but about half way through the Bear Pit he stepped back and had me run that portion of the list. There must have been better than 25 fighters for the Bear Pit and it was very informative to spend the day watching the fighting. I had not realize how many fighters had taken up small bucklers instead of using regular or center boss shields.
After the Bear Pit ended a single sword tourney was called for 30 minutes later. It was single sword only but it could be one or two handed. I had decided to get a little fighting in and so joined the 9 other fighters who signed up for the tourney. I also had wanted to use my new Great Sword which I had only practiced with once or twice. I thought I did OK in the tourney (I believe I won 5 and lost 4).
We did not stay for the evening feast as my wife was feeling a bit under the weather by this point so we said our goodbyes and left a bit after 5pm.

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