Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sunday's Revel

I would like to thank Lady Teryll for hosting the revel this Sunday past. I had a wonderful time, I wished I could have stayed longer but I had to get my guests home before it became too late. I would also like to thank Torashi for arranging the fighting practice. It felt good to put armor on again and get beaten on by my friends.
We had several new people attend this revel. We had a wonderfully courteous lady named Carrie I believe and her children, I believe she said she had attended the populace meeting on Friday night. Also two new members that I have taken under my wing, Robert and Alex.
At the fighting practice we had four gentles participating in heavy weapons and I believe seven taking the first steps on the path to youth combat. We had the singular honor of having Sir Jocelyn act as Marshal for both the heavy and youth combats. Gavin Douglas (past member, Seneschal and Marshal of Stormvale) and Sir Jocelyn journeyed from the Barony of Roaring Wastes to join us at the fighting practice. Gavin and Torashi had already started the practice before I arrived. I was embarrassed by my lateness and joined the list as soon as I could. Balian would arrive a few moments later. I was able to win a handsome wager when Balian donned his harness and entered the field.
During a break in the heavy weapons combat Sir Jocelyn instructed seven or eight younger members in the art of boffer fighting. Watching her instructions reminds me that I am horribly out of practice and need to get back to the basics myself.
A call to the feast halted the combat. It was fortuitous timing as I was no longer able to raise my shield with enough speed to block a head shot. The feast was wonderful as always and I hope everyone had a good time.
Thank You all again,
P.S. Robert and Alex are now hooked on boffer combat and I will need advice as to how to proceed with this. What can and cannot be done etc. I will need to seek out Lady Teryll’s advice on this when next we meet.

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