Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Another great guild night!! Thanks Terryl!!!
As the boffer making wrapped up, the guild meeting kicked off promptly at 7pm and we started making Japanese Books!! Terryl had thoughtfully provided the materials and asked for $10 per book to cover her cost. I believe we had 10 people making books. Those included:
Torashi’s friend (Jeff I believe)
Drogo, Kayla and Jim
Giovanna and myself

Torashi was first to finish his book and I have included a picture. Everyone else was finished or had a little stitching left to complete when we finish at 9pm. All the books looked great and it was a neat project to do. The directions are pretty straight forward and I am looking forward to making others with slightly more mundane paper .

Next week we will be making boxes to carry the books in. That should be equally enjoying but be sure to let Terryl know if you expect to attend as it takes some time to make the box “kits”.

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