Thursday, February 15, 2007

Armor Update

Minor Armor Upgrade
Last night I started working on my armor and doing the periodic maintenance, fixing straps and taping swords etc. While doing that, it seemed time to set some goals for improvements and accessories that would be nice to have or make. When this list if complete I will have to post it.
In taking stock and listing my equipment I realized that I needed new gauntlets and half gauntlets. My gauntlets have been hit enough times that they no longer articulate well. They will have to be taken apart and reformed so they will work better. For half gauntlets I have one metal and one leather and thought that a matching pair would be better.
I believe I will order a set of stainless steel gauntlets and regular steel half gauntlets from Sussen Arms. Balian speaks highly of them and they seem to have a quick turn around on orders. This will give me a matching set of half gauntlets and also allow me to fix my current gauntlets and have a spare. I have a complete loaner set of armor except for gauntlets so that problem would be solved. It says two weeks for shipping on their website so I think I will give it a try. They also have a kettle helm that would be great for marshalling!! Not sure if that’s in my budget however.
I must admit to having some armor envy. Balian was telling me about upgrading his armor kit and how he wanted it to look, which has made me take a second look at my own equipment. I will keep you posted on how this armor purchase goes.
I used to have one set each of steel and leather half gauntlets. I loaned the steel set to Asa Ingvarsdottir so she could authorize in heavy weapons combat (which she did) but only got back one. To be fair I am probably got the gauntlet back but left it at the event. I never did figure out what happened to the leather half gauntlet. It was just gone one day. Luckily I lost one right hand and one left hand and so still have a pair. They are both pretty beat up now to. So it’s time to replace them.

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